How to apply your knowledge?

srushti pagrut
1 min readJul 10, 2021

So…have you ever been in a situation where you thought you have done a certification but don’t have any experience, especially if you are a fresher?
Because I use to feel the same before joining my MBA program and even in the initial phase of my MBA.
But soon I understood how to create a portfolio to showcase my work and the certification course I pursued.

For Example
I completed my Business Analytics Course by upGrad and I applied all my learnings to the Black Book Project called “How Financial Literacy is correlated to the Economy”.
Like I wanted to showcase problem-solving approach, critical thinking, detailed analysis, storytelling, etc. So my project included,

Problem statement.
Primary research with the help of surveys and insights from few experts.
Secondary research included a Global scenario w.r.t the topic.
Data Cleaning and Analysis of the collected data.
Calculated Joint probabilities of the correct and incorrect responses as per the primary research.
Created Dashboard using MS Power BI to generate insights.
Solutions based on the insights.

Now, this strategy has helped me a lot not only in building my “Portfolio” but also made various concepts much more clear.

Do you know any other idea???

*This is my LinkedIn article*



srushti pagrut

Will be writing articles related to Business, Management, Finance, Technology, Psychology as per my personal experience, and most importantly about my Failures